8AM Worship
in the Sanctuary
This is the service you remember growing up! Traditional liturgy with the creeds and weekly Communion. The message is the same for all of our services and we enjoy traditional hymns. Two great choirs, the New Life Singers and the Grace Bell Ensemble, alternate Sundays. Families are welcome!
9AM Worship
in the Activity Center
Worship experience with the Grace 9Gathering Praise Team and company! With thought-provoking visuals, interactive opportunities and meaningful messages from our pastors, you will be challenged and equipped for the week ahead.
10:30AM Worship
in the Sanctuary
Traditional worship with classical elements in music and word. Worship online from the beautiful Grace Sanctuary on Sundays at 10:30AM.

Lent, holy week, and easter
Our Lenten sermon series Everything in Between kicks off on Sunday, March 9, 2025. This series allows the Gospel of Luke to guide us through Lent. Beginning with Jesus setting his face toward Jerusalem (Luke 9:51), the series flows through several familiar stories—the Good Samaritan, Mary and Martha, the fruitless fig tree, the Lost Sheep, Zacchaeus, and more. Many of these stories are well-known in both sacred and secular imagination, carrying cultural relevance and lore. For example, have you ever identified yourself as either a “Mary” or a “Martha?” The “Good Samaritan” title alone could reference a hospital, a charitable organization, a type of law, or a good deed. Perhaps you grew up singing “Zacchaeus was a wee little man” in Sunday School. So many of these scriptures hold significance in pop culture, church history, politics, and everything in between.
As modern readers, we sometimes lose the “shock factor” behind Jesus’ words, as his teaching tactics likely felt extreme for those in his context. He described a stigmatized Samaritan as a good neighbor. He emphasized the value of 1 sheep in a herd of 100. He dined with a tax collector who amassed wealth through extortion. While dying on the cross, he told a convicted criminal he would soon find paradise. Jesus intentionally highlighted the cultural and political polarities of his time to emphasize the radical, inclusive, and surprising love of God. When we study these stories in their historical and cultural context, we see how they mirror the cultural and political divides many of us experience in our families, churches, and communities today.
This series is an invitation to navigate the polarities in our lives with more faith, intention, and openness to be transformed. Each weekly sub-theme explores two supposed binaries, like “faith & works” or “rest & growth,” or “grief & hope.” We often consider these ideas to be opposing. However, as we explore these concepts within the scriptures, we find nuance and complexity. We find that these dichotomies are false. We might begin to see a full spectrum instead of black and white. We might find that God is present in between.
And so, this season, we invite you to look beyond black and white binaries and easy answers. We encourage you to notice the dichotomies that define our lives, but also imagine where God might be meeting us beyond the categories we create. This theme may resonate with anyone who is in discernment or trying to find their way through an undefined space. It will speak to anyone who feels as if they are living in a divided world. It is for those who seek a spiritual life that engages with complexity instead of avoiding it. This Lent, we're trusting that God shows up in shades of gray, rainbow hues, and everywhere in between.
Click here to learn more.

Communion is served once a month. All are invited to receive Communion; you do not need to be United Methodist or a member of this congregation, and there is no age requirement. It is the Lord's Supper, not ours, and it is Christ who invites you. Typically, small pieces of bread are broken from a common loaf, dipped in a cup, and given to those partaking in Communion. We are sensitive to the needs of our congregation; we use grape juice instead of wine, and have gluten-free elements available.