visit us
worship with us
on sundays
Worship In Person
8AM Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary
9AM Gathering Contemporary Worship in the Activity Center
10:30AM Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary
Worship Online
Worship online at 10:30AM on Facebook Live or worship anytime here
Contact us
300 E. Gartner Rd.
Naperville, IL 60540
office hours
Monday through Thursday 9AM to 2PM
Friday 9AM to 12PM
Holiday Hours
Closed Monday, December 25 to Friday, December 29, 2023
Closed Monday January 1, 2024
frequently asked questions
The frequently asked questions below may also be helpful. Please feel free to contact us at hello@peopleofgrace.org or 630-355-1748 if you have further questions.
1. Where are you located?
Grace is located at 300 E. Gartner Road, Naperville, IL, 60540, about 1.5 miles south of downtown Naperville.
2. When is worship?
We have three unique worship services on Sunday morning at 8AM, 9AM, and 10:30AM and online worship at 10:30AM. We invite you to learn more about our worship services, or just show up to one that is convenient for you!

3. What do you mean by "unique worship services?"
We have arranged our services so there is something for the traditional church-goer, the contemporary worshiper, and everything in between! Not sure which service would be right for you or your family? We have additional details about each service to help you choose.
4. What do children do during the services?
Children of all ages are always welcome to join their family during any of our worship services. We also provide childcare for infants and toddlers all morning on Sundays. For preschoolers through high school, we offer Sunday School classes during our 9AM service.
5. How long has Grace United Methodist Church been in Naperville?
Grace has served Naperville and surrounding communities for more than 125 years. It was established in 1891 and, since that time, has occupied three building sites. The third and present site opened its doors in 1971 and has undergone several expansion/improvement projects over the past five decades.
6. How does communion work at Grace?
Communion is served every week at our 8AM and 9AM on Sunday. Communion is served the first Sunday of every month at our 10:30AM service. There is no requirement of membership at Grace to receive communion. Grace welcomes everyone to the table of Christ.
7. What Holy Days are observed at Grace?
Holy Days observed are those in the season of Lent (Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter Sunday), the four Sundays of Advent, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day. While not a Holy Day, Thanksgiving is celebrated with a special Thanksgiving Eve service in gratitude for God's many blessings. Weekly bulletins announce where we are in the liturgical calendar of the Christian church.
8. What other special sacraments or services does Grace offer?
Grace offers Baptisms and Holy Communion, as well as funeral and memorial services, weddings, and confirmation. Please send us an email at hello@peopleofgrace.org or give us a call at 630-355-1748 for more information.
9. Okay, Grace is where I want to be. How do I become a member?
Membership is not required to participate at Grace. We see membership as the opportunity to enter into a covenant with others to uphold the church by your prayers, your gifts, your service, and your witness. Usually folks like to attend for a while to see if they find Grace to be a good fit before joining, and we welcome you to attend our services and participate in the life of the church! We have a Welcoming Pastor, Pastor Mark Himel, who will meet with anyone interested in membership at their convenience.
10. What are the roots and general beliefs of the United Methodist Church?
The United Methodist Church traces its roots back to John Wesley, a preacher in the church of England in the 18th Century who discovered that in order to truly spread the Gospel, it was necessary to travel and preach to where the people were. This sense of outreach and mission to people in need is a hallmark of the Methodist Church. For more on the beliefs, traditions, and principles of the United Methodist Church, visit www.umc.org.
11. So, other than worship, what else does Grace provide for me and/or my family?
There are way too many activities for every age and interest to list them all here! A good place to start is to learn about our Mission Teams. Our Music Ministry is also renowned.
12. Is the church building handicap accessible?
Yes. Our building is fully handicap accessible including handicap parking spots, ramps, accessible seating, accessible bathrooms, and elevator. If you or your family member has special needs, please contact Nicole Zaccaria, Director of Open Doors Ministry, at odm@peopleofgrace.org.
13. I have more questions! How can I get them answered?
The best way to get all of your questions answered is to join us at one of our worship services! You are also welcome to send us an email at hello@peopleofgrace.org or give us a call at 630-355-1748.