
Dear Members and Friends of Grace Church:
It is that time of the year again. The time to prayerfully consider what we can contribute financially to Grace Church in 2025 to help to positively impact the lives of those in our congregation, our surrounding community, and around the world!
Our 2025 stewardship campaign will be a bit different. Over the past few years, we have sent individual statements to about 200 of those in our congregation who formally pledged to Grace highlighting how much their giving would be if they increased it 2%, 5% or 10% over the next year. We even threw in an extra option—the impact of contributing an extra $5 a week. That approach was very successful in that many in our congregation gave serious thought and reflection on their giving. My sincere thanks to everyone who thoughtfully reflected on their giving and have increased it over the past few years.
This year our ask is much simpler. We’re asking for you to simply reflect on what Grace Church (and the United Methodist Church) means to you and your family and to give from the heart. A retired friend of mine recently told me that he had been asked by a charity to increase his giving by 5%. He sat down with his spouse and reflected on what that charity meant to him and his family and ultimately decided to increase his giving by almost 50%! When I asked him, “Why so much?” he told me that over the past few years, God had been very generous to him and his family, and he wanted to share more with others less fortunate.
Grace is doing some great things for those in our congregation and our community. I am happy to say that we are gaining momentum and starting to grow! Over the next few weeks, we are introducing a new logo to represent that growth and movement and to communicate some of the values of Grace Church. Be sure to read the Friday email and the bulletin insert for more information.
The things we are doing to help us to grow do come at a cost. We are increasing the pay for all staff by 2% on January 1, 2025. Our building and grounds are in constant need of attention and repair, and I am proud to say that we continue to be a leader by giving about 10% of our giving as our apportionment payment to the United Methodist Church to help around the world.
Again, our 2025 financial ask is simple. Please reflect on what Grace means to you and your family, and pledge what you feel is appropriate for 2025. I can assure you that you won’t be disappointed in how Grace will use those funds to continue in its goal to foster community and to grow disciples of Jesus Christ.
Steve Andsager
Chair, Stewardship and Finance